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Showing posts from May, 2021

Adding GitHub Codes in Blogger Articles

In this article, you can get to know about adding GitHub code to your Blogger articles. Remember, this is very easy. 1: Go to your GitHub and select ‘ New gist ” Image by Author 2: You will see this screen. Image by Author 3: Fill in the fields as you need. Set it as a  Public  gist and Create it. 4: After creating, select “ Share ” and get the link of the gist created. Copy that link. 5: Go to your article editing workplace, select HTML view, and paste the copied link at the correct place. Here I'm naming the place where I've to place the GitHub page as "myplace" to locate the exact location in HTML view easily. Replace  the copied link and come back to the Compose view. Check the Preview and you can see you've successfully made it. You can add GitHub code to Medium as well. Check this article for that. Hope this can help! Share your thoughts too.

Enhancing the Performance of Graph Algorithms — Part 2

Introduction to the Heaps, Their Implementations, and Time Complexity Analysis We have seen about the Graph Algorithms and have already discussed their Time Complexity in our previous article “ Enhancing the Performance of Graph Algorithms — Part 1 ”. Heaps A heap is a type of tree-based data structure that fulfills the heap property. Heap Property: If Q is a child node of P, then key(P) ≥ key (Q). As a result, an element with the greatest key is always in the root node, and such a heap is sometimes referred to as a max-heap . There is, of course, a min-heap . For a min-heap, the parent node will always lesser than the child nodes. The root node will have the lowest element. Let’s see how a min-heap is working As in the definition, the min-heap has to follow the heap property. That is if Q is a child node of P, then key(P) ≤ key (Q). The heap can also be stored in an array, which is a more common approach. Because heap is always a complete binary tree, it can be stored in a small...